Tri United Parish Agreement Document
On Sunday, September 29th following the joint worship at Calvary Lutheran, the three congregations of Calvary Lutheran of Rush Point, First Lutheran of Harris, and Spring Lake Lutheran of North Branch will hold a congregational meeting to consider the question:
“Shall Calvary, First in Harris, and Spring Lake Lutheran Churches enter into a three-point parish agreement?” YES OR NO
Each congregation will need to declare a quorum for the meeting to proceed and the vote on the question shall be by written ballot. Ballots shall be counted by appointed tellers and the results of the balloting announced during the fellowship time.
Coffee and Conversation concerning the Creation of Tri United Parish
Calvary Lutheran Church of Rush Point, First Lutheran Church of Harris and Spring Lake Lutheran Church of North Branch have been working together in a shared ministry agreement for 14+ months. The three congregations have been working toward a formalized three-point parish agreement for sharing pastoral services yet retaining a separate identity for each congregation. Members have recognized that the pastoral needs for the congregations can be met by working together. It is also recognized that if we continue partnering together, there would be additional opportunities for congregational members to share events-youth education, Bible studies, church suppers and social events and missional opportunities. Tri United would have the possibility to expand its ministry.
Prior to the joint congregational meeting on September 29th at Calvary, parish members are invited to share joys, cares, and concerns regarding the creation of Tri United at a “coffee & conversation” meeting.
The three opportunities will be held on:
Sunday, September 8th at 1:00 pm at First Lutheran in Harris
Sunday, September 15th at 1:00 pm at Spring Lake Lutheran
Sunday, September 22nd at 1:00 pm at Calvary Lutheran